The Playgroup

The Pllaygroup meets Wednesdays at 9.30 am to 12 midday.

It has been in operation for the past 25 years, having served the community well in that time. 

Capably led by a church member, the Play group has fostered friendships, has been a great support for new parents, grandparent carers, and newcomers to the town.  Word of mouth has ensured that the hall has been filled with young families each Wednesday morning during this time, where they have enjoyed the fun and games, and opportunities to join in with other families.

New families are very welcome.

Community Lunch

While not an activity run by the church, the facilities have been used for a Community Lunch, provided by volunteers each Tuesday.

Ecumenical Events

Ecumenical events are well supported. 

A combined church service is held each month, taking place on the 4th Sunday at 6.30pm. 

Each church in Dungog and Clarence Town takes a turn in hosting this service.